Every once in a while you just have to look back and think about what IS and what ISN’T working in online advertising. Well, if you’re just too lazy, then I have good news…the helpful folks at emarketer.com have compiled a cool chart to show you what the best and worst performing online advertising tactics were in 2005 and 2006 for US marketers…
If you have a hard time reading the graph above, simply click on it and you’ll see a larger image of it.
Basically, the top WORST performers include:
- Rented e-mail lists,
- Pop-ups and Pop-unders,
- Ads in e-mail newsletters, and
- Banner ads
The top BEST performers include:
- Paid search,
- In-house e-mail lists,
- Search Engine Optimization,
- Behavioral targeting, and
- Contextural targeting
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