Just because I’m a good person and think this might be a program worth going if you happen to be in the DC area (Hey, it’s all about networking, right?)…
Open Enrollment for Interactive Strategy and Creative Workshop No.1
“Interactive Strategy and Creative Workshop No.1”, is a program created by iStrategyLabs, with the intention of exploring widgets, social media, social networking, brand engagement, search engine optimization, pay per click and digital creative.
While the experts named below will certainly provide insight during their presentations, the real value will be gleaned from interactions with you during the session. Specific issues your organization faces can be addressed in front of all attendees or you can feel free to pull an expert aside.
Think of this as an opportunity to pick the brains of some people who know a lot about the interactive space and how it can move brands forward. Oh, and if that isn’t enough to grab your interest, breakfast will be provided as well – and if your schedule permits please feel free to join us for lunch!
Moderated by Peter Corbett (of Blattner Brunner fame and co-author of “The Art of Conversation“), this event will feature discussions on social media, creative executions for brands, SEO and PPC, and other helpful insights. What’s the best part? You get ALL of this for free!
When: October 4th, 2007 | 8:30am to 10:30am, Q&A until Lunch
Where: The University of Maryland, Inn & Conference Center
3501 University Blvd E, Adelphi, Maryland 20783 USA
RSVP to peter@istrategylabs.com
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