I happen to be online quite a bit these days. Often I’m checking out what is going on with Twitter and if there’s something interesting, then I’ll be more than glad to retweet that information. However, it should be noted that people don’t seem to understand the basic premise behind what the meaning is about retweeting something.
For me, often I will see one of the people whom I am following post something on Twitter that I think people should either know or find interesting. I make no claim as to whether or not I agree with said tweet and leave that decision up to the reader who clicks on the link. In other words, just because I retweet something doesn’t mean that I’m in bed with that tweet. I only do so because it is of interest to the rest of the community.
Why do I bring this up now? It’s because once I’ve retweeted out something, sometimes I get some feedback about that tweet. I don’t mind receiving tweets but what I do mind are people thinking that they can attack me just because they think I’m agreeing with the original tweet. This is not the case and I’d appreciate it not being that way. Here’s one instance where I happened to retweet something that resulted in a very tiny verbal altercation:
As you can see, the first tweet shown was from me retweeting something by my good friend Shel Israel. In good and proper disclosure, I am a contributing blogger to Network Solutions, but I thought that this tweet was important or perhaps interesting to people who wanted to learn more about a case study in social media or perhaps had an account with the company. In return, I received this @message reply back with a verbal attack on my retweet. When have I ever said in my tweet that I agree with the position taken in that message or even in what was listed on that tweet?
With retweeting, one of the most important things to note is that it’s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing with the person who does the retweeting. Instead, it’s all a matter of word of mouth promotion. The more retweets, the more it is promoted. In order to be retweeted, you should make sure that you’re putting out something that has value and is important to people. For those people who might have a comment or issue surrounding the retweeted message, perhaps it might be best to address your tweet to the original author of the tweet in question.
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