This is a weekly series that I’m hoping to help add some more relevance to the #FollowFriday (what’s this?) Twitter activity that originally started through Lijit’s own Micah Baldwin to help connect Twitterers with one another. For this week’s selection, I’m nominating some people who I believe are great photographers and inspire me everytime I see their photos. They may not necessarily be masters of the camera but they can take great shots with them.
I’ve known Wilbur for quite a many years and it’s somewhat quite appropo that I start out with him as my first #FollowFriday. Why? Because he technically got me started on this camera/photography buzz. The SLR that I’m using was his – I bought it from him to use at a wedding and have been using it ever since. I must say it’s been about 7-8 years now since that time. But I always value his opinion whenever I look to buy new lenses, accessories, or perhaps even a new camera. He has a keen eye on how to take photos and if you want to have him snap pictures of your event or wedding or any other social occassion, you need to get in contact with him. Just look at some of the photos he’s taken.
Wherever Brian goes, his camera is sure to follow him. And what an awesome SLR camera he has. I’ve met Brian a while back but we really didn’t get to connect that much until during South by Southwest and the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. While he may say that he doesn’t understand much about photography & that he’s “still learning”, don’t let that fool you. This master of “PR 2.0” will surely snap your photo with his Canon 5D Mark II, post it online, and you’ll be instantly famous & want that photo. He creates masterpieces with his camera. I always enjoy watching him shoot & when I see his photos on Flickr or Facebook, it just makes me envious and want to do much better.
Okay. Mike’s my cousin, but you know what? He’s a great photographer so that’s why I’m including him here. He’s always forcing me to keep up my game and inspires me to continually go out and shoot photos. He may not shoot tech events like Marc or Brian but he also has an eye for looking beyond people and seeing something creative. Everytime I see him, he happens to have a francy new camera or the latest gear in hand…drives me up the wall, but I definitely know that he is fully capable of producing great work with it. You can check out some of his photos here.
Okay, I always joke with Marc everytime I see him that I “bow before him” because of his camera & photography skills. But I really do admire his skills. He knows how to get that perfect shot. Whether it’s to get on a stage or walk around in a crowd or wherever his camera takes him, he’ll always get that “WOW” shot. It’s crazy and when you see him posting his photos, you’re in shock that they’re extremely awesome.You can check Marc in action at tech events in Los Angeles and elsewhere when he’s traveling  but I wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to meet him. There’s a reason why the tech rock stars want him to take their photo. I would too! Just check out this article.
Michael is a photography maniac. He’s always out at events or walking around carrying his camera and gear. I’ve learned quite a bit from him about how to use my own camera and am envious of all the talent and equipment that he has. He understands how the lighting, the camera, and even has a knack for composing great shots. Not only that but he is a world-class photo editor as well. Just check out his photos.
The master of photography. Or at least one of the most famous photographers I know. I met him once during a photowalk expedition with Robert Scoble and a few others. His skill at looking at scenary and taking photos is uncanny and his mastery of the camera is beyond reproach. If you want photos that will inspire and motivate you to be a better photographer, then you need to check out his collection. The composition is almost like art and unbelieveable. I’m simply speechless at how my photos turn out compared to his. Having looked at his photos, you may feel that he’s on another level. Yeah, he’s that good.
My list wouldn’t be complete without including John Adams. I met this guy during this past MacWorld Expo & having seen his photos, it’s no wonder I’m inspired by him. He weilds a camera like a surgeon does a scalpel. The photos he takes of events, concerts, or wherever he goes is phenomenal and have great details to them. If I had some of his talent, maybe my photos would turn out much better. It’s unbelieveable what this man can do!
You want to know more about #FollowFriday and who other people are recommending? Then check out this great site created by Micah Baldwin.
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