by Carol Krol
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Dulles, Va.—AOL announced Monday that it has created a new entity called Platform A that integrates Tacoda, Third Screen Media, Lightningcast and ADTECH with its ad network. The portal said Platform A gives advertisers access to an Internet-wide display ad network with targeting and measurement tools.
AOL also announced that it will move its corporate headquarters from Dulles to New York.
“With the increasing fragmentation of online audiences, the best way to serve advertisers is to enable them to harness massive advertising networks that reach across the entire Internet, not just our AOL Web sites,” said Randy Falco, chairman-CEO of AOL, in a statement. “And over the past eight months, we have put together a network with unprecedented reach and state-of-the-art solutions that accomplishes this.”
AOL said the realignment marks the final stage of the company’s transition from an access business to an ad-supported Web company.
Curtis G. Viebranz was named exec VP of AOL and president of Platform A. Viebranz was previously CEO of Tacoda.
AOL separately announced that it has signed an agreement with HP to offer co-branded, localized versions of its portal, tool bar and search on HP desktop and notebook PCs sold worldwide.
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