In 2006, we made some considerable headway in connecting the world via the Internet. This year, Time Magazine has saw it fit to name YOU their Persons of the Year. How many ways can you access the Internet now and send a message to a client, co-worker, friends, and/or family members? Well let’s count the way…and it’s all thanks to the advancements that have happened in 2006 and in previous years.
- Personal laptops
- Handheld devices — PDAs, PALM, Sony MYLO, etc.
- Mobile devices – Verizon VCAST, Blackberry, PALM Treo, etc.
- MP3 Players – iPOD, Zune, etc.
- Internet Cafes practically popping up every other block.
- Text messaging
- Broadband connections on entertainment consoles (PS3, XBOX 360, etc.)
These are probably just SOME of the popular ways to reach out and get connected and I’m sure that there are a lot more ways. Thanks to being constantly connected, technology has allowed us to share information with others around the world through entrepeneurs like YouTube, MySpace, iVillage, Wikipedia, etc.
Are we being very technologically dependant OR are are we just being blessed with ways to connect with our friends and family and we should just embrace it? I think we should embrace it…but let’s not forget the fact that there are “older” ways of communicating — like snail mail (pencil and paper)…
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