Wanted: Lost Ad Online…

Over the course of my experience with SEA/SEM, I’ve encountered questions regarding online ads and where they’ll appear. I’ve received questions such as “I can’t see my ad on Google when I type in my search query. How come?” Well the answer is because if you advertise with a big search engine such as Google or Yahoo, there is a good chance that it is also shared along one of their network affiliates.

Therefore, for my own edification, I would like to list the networks for Google and Yahoo that share the same network:


  • Search sites: America Online, CompuServe, Netscape, AT&T Worldnet, EarthLink, Sympatico, and others.
  • Content sites: New York Post Online Edition, Mac Publishing (includes Macworld.com, JavaWorld, LinuxWorld), HowStuffWorks, and others.


  • Publisher network: HP, CNN, iVillage, USA Today, NetZero, eBay, United Online, InfoSpace, alltheweb, move, NBC, Altavista, Citysearch, NationalGeographic.com, Salon.com

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